This website is a service provided by Legal League Limited (LLL). It is owned and operated by LLL.
Métier9; Métier9 Recruitment and Métier9 Legal Recruitment are all trading styles of LLL and are owned exclusively by LLL.
Full details concerning our registered office; company number; vat number and ICO number can be found on the footer of each website page, but we operate as a private limited company in England & Wales.
This website operates as a recruitment portal mostly within the legal sector but not exclusively to this sector.
We operate currently only in the United Kingdom.
By using this website, you agree to accept our terms and conditions. If you do not accept any of the terms and conditions, you should not use the website and are not entitled to use it or engage with it. It is your responsibility to fully read our terms and conditions.
By using the website, you confirm that you are aged 16 years or older. If you are younger than 16 years of age you are not entitled to use our website.
Any recruitment company that is based in the United Kingdom is not entitled under any circumstances to use this site in any way or post positions without the prior expressed written permission of LLL.
Our website is operated as a recruitment portal offering services mostly to the legal sector and legal sector service providers. There will be promotion of various services from time to time.
Any fees associated with LLL, and the use of this website and its services are listed below.
LLL accepts no liability whatsoever for any advice given by any entities that may be promoted through this website, or any positions posted on this site by prospective employers nor any information whatsoever posted by prospective candidates.
It is always the full responsibility of any employer to fully vet any prospective candidate/prospective candidate and this responsibility cannot be passed on to LLL in any circumstances.
All copyright and intellectual property rights on this website belong to LLL.
LLL wants to make sure your privacy is protected. It is important you read our Privacy Policy. LLL aims to always comply with current data protection legislation.
The use of this website provision and service is at your own risk but nothing within these terms and conditions attempts to exclude any of your legal rights.
The responsibility to comply with all current and relevant employment law is the responsibility entirely of the firms/businesses’/prospective employers using this website.
Fees and further responsibilities:
Candidates and Prospective Candidates
There is no cost to candidates or prospective candidates to use this website. There is no fee from LLL for applying for or obtaining any position posted on this site.
It is recognised however that only genuine candidates can apply for advertised positions and that any information submitted by candidates to this site is true and accurate.
Candidates agree and give full permission for any agreed starting salary to be released at the same time as a job offer is made by the prospective employer. If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!
National Legal Alliance Members and Partners
There is no cost to National Legal Alliance Members and Partners for using this site and finding a staff member or posting positions for candidates.
For our services to be free NLA Members and Partners must remain a current NLA member and have not given notice to leave NLA.
If a position is filled because of this website and the Member or Partner has already given notice prior to the position being filled that Member or Partner agrees to pay LLL the fee as if they were not a NLA Member or Partner. The fee structure can be seen below in section 3 relating to non-NLA firms/businesses’/Prospective Employers.
It is agreed that all positions posted on this site are accurate and comply with current UK employment law. Any infringement is the responsibility of the company posting the position only.
The unique perspective of the creator gives the work more depth.
Non-NLA Firms/Businesses’/Prospective Employers
There is a simple flat fee of 9% plus vat but only payable within 14 days of the candidate starting the position advertised and promoted through this site.
All businesses’ agree to keep LLL informed of all job offers and confirmation once the candidate starts the position. They agree to disclose accurately the starting salary of the person starting the position. At this point an invoice will be sent representing the fee that the employer is responsible for.
For the avoidance of doubt this fee relates only to normal starting salary that is contained in the job offer made to the candidate and no potential bonus or other employee perks are included.
So, if the starting salary of a candidate is £30,000 for example, the fee for placing the candidate through this website and payable to LLL after an invoice is rendered is £2700 plus vat.
We operate a full refund scheme if a candidate/employee leaves or is dismissed within 2 calendar months of their start date.
It is agreed that all positions posted on this site are accurate and comply with current UK employment law, any infringement is the sole responsibility of the company posting the position only.
All firms and businesses who are liable to pay fees associated with the use of this website agree to undertake and promise to pay said fees within the terms and conditions on this site.
All firms, businesses, prospective employers; candidates and prospective candidates agree to fully read our terms and conditions before registering; posting or applying for positions on this site and therefore are fully bound by the terms and conditions on this site.